A podcast exploring innovation and research in nephrology by the National Kidney Foundation. New name, same great content: Formerly known as Life as a Nephrologist, we’ve expanded our episode content to include the entire kidney care team.

Tuesday May 15, 2018
Episode 1: Choosing Nephrology (Life as a Nephrologist Series)
Tuesday May 15, 2018
Tuesday May 15, 2018
Welcome to the Life as a Nephrologist podcast series! In this first episode Dr. Devika Nair (Vanderbilt University Hospital, Nashville, TN) and Dr. Kelly Beers (Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY) talk about their experiences so far as nephrology fellows and why they chose it as a career. Would you like to suggest topics or interviewees for the podcast? Write to us at NKFpodcast@kidney.org. For more information about the National Kidney Foundation, visit us online.